Sure, you got your classes (授業) at university providing you with all the japanese knowledge that you may need to be able to master japanese...wait! It does not. Not really! It just gives you some more fragments of the big puzzle that is the Japanese language.
Most of the times you will study on your own at home, meet up with that cute Japanese girl or boy, read some japanese book in some nice cafe (喫茶店) or simply watch your favorite Anime or Drama show on your PC.
Sounds simple, doesn't it? Yes, yes it certainly does. But which classes should you take at our little mountain university? Which japanese books could you ever be able to read inside that lovely little Cafe that you just found? You are still a beginner, a noob.
You may think to yourself:
"No way I can read a japanese book just yet. There are too many weird Kanji that I first have to learn at university."
"No way I can understand anything they say in an Anime without english subtitles."
If you find yourself in a similar situation, then read on, traveller. Here are some advices on how to improve your study techniques (aside regularly attending your university classes). I will discuss the following topics that I have come to appreciate through my own stay as a student at KSU:
-Apps for your smartphone (Android and iOS),
-Books that won't intimidate you but encourage you to keep on reading,
-Anime\Drama watching techniques
-Daily life practices
Enjoy your stay in Japan! The more you practice the more you will enjoy what it has to offer.
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